The designer is an abortion-rights activist who once exercised her political activism on a Wisconsin college campus.
Jennifer Baumgardner, a 1992 graduate of Lawrence University in Appleton, is now a New York author who writes frequently on women's issues and has co-authored a book called "Manifesta: Young Women, Feminism and the Future."
Not sure how I got on this e-mailing list, (NARAL) but already sent my opt out request.
I hope someone will hear me out on this:
When will women learn that for the greatest majority of women in this country, the USA, choice=abortion is a means of contraception, or should I say contra-delivery. Do not delude young, foolish teenagers or give added credence to the plethora of women who actually practice repetitive use of termination with talk of rights and choice. There was in the greatest numbers, choice-to abstain, use real contraception or put up for adoption. The entire process of ripping life from the womb, yes, life, no matter how pro-choice women's groups care to rationalize it (thus brain-washing yet to abort women) for their emotional expediencies, is a repulsive and entirely too human an act of barbarism and unconcern for the process of the formation of life. Define it how you like it but conception is the absolute beginning of life, for with out conception, there would be no life.
If one were to discuss willingness to bear children between partners, to them, the non-conceived notion of a baby is already alive. How then can you say the products of conception, as if people are products-such dehumanizing terminology works in your favor-which comes from the physical act of pro-creation as in creating life-hello? are no less life and worthy of respect? As it is I am pro-choice for now, to prevent the years of back alley procedures with injured and killed many a woman, but that is not to say I condone this practice. Such disrespect for our biology and disregard for our nature is tantamount to denying who we are, an evolving species who can send people into outer-space but can not see the horrible assault on our collective psyche via the continued encouragement of abortion as a means to relieve us of the burden of ushering forth life we did not want. Face it, we humans abort under the guise of choice through the ill-perceived belief that this is not life in order to stop a fetus from developing into a baby. That F-N makes no sense. It is an example of reverse sublimation where we take the natural inclination-give birth and subvert it into a gross distortion of logic.
Cloning aside, life begins at conception. Your pro choice advocacy should be directed primarily at teaching women to not consider abortion until every possible scenario has been discuses to death, if you will pardon the pun, and then only if there is inherent grave risk to the mother. A fetus should never pose a threat to the bearer. Abortion should be viewed as a proscription so its doing would be perceived as unacceptable, which for me it is. THere are better ways to handle this then giving rights to women to make up for the millennia in which rights were denied. Yea, its your body, great, but so has the right that grows within you. It did not ask to be here, you allowed it, most of the time. Do not deny it its final glory, birth.I would drink to that.