Monday, November 19, 2007

Can not blame Kheil's parents for bad NYPD policy

I am appalled by Tiffany Jones’ AMNY 11/19/07 Letters comment: Police, parents share blame. Page 26 Placing culpability on Kheil’s mother is tantamount to blaming a woman for the cloths she wore if she were to be sexually assaulted. I work at a hospital and frequently enough, an ER physician will sign out a case for admission to our attending with inaccurate information. What if our attending were to simply accept that diagnosis and continue to treat the patient without making an assessment himself? The police were required to assess and continue to reassess the situation on and after arrival. Prior information is and should be suspect. Kheil’s mother did act appropriately when she called mental health services to assist her son. They came and left. Great! Should we blame her as well for their early departure before assisting the boy? Police shot and killed this boy; his mother, as well, was unarmed. AMNY’s continued publishing of inflammatory and bigoted comments from ignorant people i.e.: Michael Burke’s Letters 11/15/07 The use of guns, leaves much to be desired of this papers editorial department. It should be obvious that the NYPD first responders are trigger happy as a result of horribly inappropriate policies and procedures for such occurrences. A new action plan must be instituted by senior authorities at the NYPD if we are to ever feel safe and trusting of police in this city ever again. I feel like throwing up my hands, but that too, might get me shot.

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