I was left feeling terribly bad for poor, screwed up Britany Spears after reading Vanessa Grigoriadis’ collage of previously covered material, including all the lewd photos-shame on you at RS. I considered all sides, from her fucked up family, little sister included, greedy self-serving “friends”, handlers and managers and I considered Britany herself and what role she takes in all this mess she finds herself subject to.
This country is a cesspool of wasted time and wasted lives over popular crap which has absolutely no redeeming value, not even from the simplistic entertainment value she has delivered at everyone else’s direction. I doubt this grown child has ever made a simple decision for herself prior to her pathetic demise. But I do not cast much of the blame on her. She is a churned out product of cheese whiz proportions who destructed under the pressure and evil manipulations of people who knew what was right for their pockets without ever giving a shit about what was right for her. Too young, too easily manipulated and surrounded by the piece of shit she called her mother and drunk bastard father, swamped with attention and glitter and lights and screaming fans, she burned in the very fire she set herself but relentlessly fanned by the gluttonous media who actually believe we have a right to witness this catastrophe of a human life.
I say fuck all of you, RS included. Let this child recover, let her get her bearings and find herself and escape from the myriad images we have of her so she can finally develop one of her own. You call this article “the tragedy of Britney Spears”, I say the tragedy is how the publics so called need to know amounts to the most asinine and whorish profession of Paparazzi descending on her and other victims like hyenas to the kill. This whole thing has been nothing more than a late teenaged rebellion against EVERYONE for telling her what to do, who to be and how to behave. She lost her mind because we took it from her, and she is finally, I pray (and I do not even believe in god,) about to discover the real Britney Spears. When she finally stands up, I will applaud her triumph back from hell, or back into it!
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