Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Apocalypse Cow-A response to the Voices column on 10/31/2007

I was once a vegan. In the same manner that Mr. Z browbeats us into accepting his way of life is exactly how I was to my family when I became vegan. I upset my children and wife with facts and criticism and the graphic brutality against animals. It did not work. I failed to convince my loved ones to adapt this lifestyle. Now comes Mickey and his hard sell tactics. I have learned my lesson; I hope Mr. Z can learn as well: Cramming veganism down our throats much like food is mercilessly crammed down the throats of geese to make pâté is an unreasonable abuse. In our hearts we know the vegan or minimally, the vegetarian lifestyle is more conducive to better health and a cleaner world. However, how it is approached can make all the difference. We are inherently selfish creatures, egocentric and habitual in character. Change is difficult. Forcing us to do anything is counterproductive. Slow, considerate education is key. It takes time. Obviously all the heart disease, cancer and stokes primarily the result of our food choices have not altered the majority of peoples food preferences. How does Mr. Mickey Z come to believe his method of education will help?

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