Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Gore Full of Hot Air?

If Mr. Patrick Keane (Gore Full of Hot Air-Metro 11/13/07 Letters http://www.readmetro.com/show/en/NewYork/20071113/2/10/) were to have his way, we all should just ignore the consensus of major, credible scientists throughout the world. We should just continue to extort our environment for all it is worth until there is nothing left for it to give. Sure, let’s forget about CO2 emissions caps, unregulated industrial dumping into our waterways; why even bother to clean up oil spills? Hell, let’s all just urinate and defecate right where we eat! Do we all hate ourselves so much that we would destroy all the goodness we can stand for by ignoring the obvious? Does it have to be this generation that finds itself in immediate peril to act or are we way to selfish to consider our own future progeny?

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