Thursday, November 15, 2007

Preconceptions can cost you your life.

My knee-jerk reaction to ANMY’s publication of Michael Burke’s, The use of guns-Letters section, 11/15/07, really burned my sensibilities. How could a free press publish such a sickening rationale for five cops shooting an unarmed black teen? To assume that because you are black and male is to assume you carry a gun is preposterous and dangerous talk. And to suggest this is the reason why the cops opened fire, because they held preconceptions about black males and guns is downright appalling. Is it possible the professional men and women who make up the NYPD operate under these misconceptions egregiously touted as truisms by unenlightened and ignorant folks such as Mr. Burke? If that be the case, then even G_d couldn’t help us so… One more thing. When you assume, you make an ass out of u and me. In this case, could it have cost a disturbed teen his life? Food for regurgitation!

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